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Project Group 22: Visualtitude, DS 4200 S22

Ethan Gilworth, Jeremy Cui, Yiqiqan Zhang

Service-Learning Course Project as part of Ds 4200 S22 Information Presentation & Visualization, taught by Prof. Cody Dunne, Data Visualization @ Khoury, Northeastern University.


How has climate change affected weather patterns? Can you visualize different both the altitude and time dynamics of the hydrological cycle? Using data from Nepalese weather stations in cooperation with the Himalayan Climate Society and Science Institute (HCSSI) we are going to build a vis tool for displaying patterns in the hydrological cycle in order to help determine the potential effects of climate change on Nepal’s weather over the last couple years.


Here is a dashboard of our visualizations. Brush over the linechart to change the display on the Heatmap. Additionally, you can change the display variable with the dropdown menu located in the top left. On the left, you can see a radial graph displaying the first and second years contained within the data.

Visualization explanation

In this visualization we basically fulillled with the linechart, heatmap, and trying to use an interaction which shows the exact time and temperature when put the mouse over the exact block.

Demo Video

Embed an MP4 demo video using the HTML5 <video> tag. For example, this screen recording Prof. Cody Dunne made of Mike Bostock's flexible transitions in D3 slide:


List here where any code, packages/libraries, text, images, designs, etc. that you leverage come from.